Book: Murder is Served / Deception
Dark Comedy (2017) / Mystery, Drama (2020)

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A murderous love triangle amongst octogenarians in an assisted living facility. Married for 40 years, Steve Lowenthal’s life has been made intolerable by his henpecking wife, Rita. Finding new love in the rehabilitation center leads to deceit, treachery, revenge and cheating at Scrabble.


RITA LOWENTHAL (83) Strident, tactless and high-strung.
STEVE LOWENTHAL (90) Long-suffering second husband to Rita.
MAUDE ELLIOT (84) Quintessential nurturing grandmother.
DETECTIVE ROBERT BAILEY (age unspecified) Seasoned professional.

SETTING: Modest home in California.
TIME: The present.

PRODUCTION NOTE: You can use brightly colored play-dough for Rita’s Christmas candies. It should look hideous.

Would you like a taste? Here’s an excerpt.


A brief encounter in a bar leads to a complicated entanglement. Dishonesty and lying are rampant, but who is doing what?


MADDIE (Female age/race flexible) Guarded, hopeful, a film geek to the Nth degree.
RICHARD (Male age/race flexible) Charming, possibly a liar. If so, a good one.
JAN (Female, older than Richard age/race flexible) Hard working and enthusiastic HR employee. Hidden secrets. Hides her unhappiness well.
OFFICER (Male) New to the job, Careful and sensitive. Doubles as MAN in Epilogue

TIME: The present.
PLACE: New York City.

One-Act Play / 45 minutes / Cast: 2M, 2F
One-Act Play / 50 minutes / Cast: 2M, 2F
119 pages